Tuesday 27 November 2012

The Thriller Tube Map - F'ed's Movie Metro.

The most confusing media tube map created.

It starts with the violence scale, which is the black line across the middle. In the centre we have gangster heavy and gangster light. These variables are significant for the violence scale, and the violence scale only. The lines represent violence, black and white, moral ambiguity, voice over, Brit thrillers, femme fatale and death of main characters. They all intertwine and connect the different film.
Many of the films act as stations, as these films tend to have many of the qualities that the lines represent.

Violence = Black Line
Black and White = Orange Line
Moral Ambiguity = Purple Line
Voice Over = Yellow
Brit Thrillers = Green
Femme Fatale = Pink
Death of Main Characters = Grey

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