Tuesday 18 December 2012

Character #1

Gerhard Mattieu


  1. This is a good initial outline of the character, Felix. I'd like you to go back to the green sheet from class which has the details of what to include in planning. You need to include Connotations/ Genre and other thrillers/ Audience effects and suitability/ Logistics. Which of these have you done here and what do you need to add?

  2. On 31st December I wrote the following comment. Have you acted on it?
    "This is a good initial outline of the character, Felix. I'd like you to go back to the green sheet from class which has the details of what to include in planning. You need to include Connotations/ Genre and other thrillers/ Audience effects and suitability/ Logistics. Which of these have you done here and what do you need to add?"
